Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Intense Thoughtlessness

The Explorer or wannabe explorer of the unknown.
The soul of a searcher. The spirit of a non-believer.
Dreams of grandeur, a pursuance of epiphany.
Oh by epiphany i mean (a sudden, intuitive
perception of or insight into the reality or
essential meaning of something).

Through an unfriendly world, i drift;
through the sands of time, i sift.

Explorer, discoverer, inventor, protector,
destroyer, lover, hater. What am I?

A hole in my soul, the empty place;
Dark and revolting, see it on my face.

Existentialism:- To live is to suffer, to
survive is to find meaning in the suffering. If there
is a purpose to life at all, there must be a purpose
in suffering and dying.

Nietzsche:- "He who has a WHY to live,
can bear with almost any HOW".

Learn to bow to your master!
I don't respect authority, false authority.
Never have, never will.
Attitude? Yes I have plenty.
Ego? Uh uh got enough of that too.

Vagabond? More like gypsy or nomad.
Rock and Roll Dreams, we know what those are made of.
Is this gibberish? Then quit reading.

Touche my dear
Love struck? Maybe? Hell no.
Bandit, dacoit, thief? No.
Quit wondering, do you even care?

Love struck? Maybe? Hell no.
Skirt chaser? Yeah, always.
But I always go back to HER.
Who's HER? I don't think you care.

Discount the bling,
I ain't into hip-hop.
I'm not old-fashioned, I just think hip-hop is crap.
Pure vintage rocker, now that, I am!
Elvis impersonator? More like Elvis invoker.

Sports fanatic? Soccer, cricket etc.
Yeah, I'm one of them.
Die-hard Gunner, This time we will win!

Intelligent? Maybe.
Deranged? Maybe not.
Derailed but profound. Hell yeah.

A perquisition for inner freedom, personal value.
Independence, personal and social. I live for that.
Learn to bow to your master! F**k off!
Avaricious? a little, yeah!

Poet? Writer? More like wannabe.
I attempt. Try, Try again;
till someone smacks you in the side of the head!
Businessman? too rapacious for my own good.
Predatory? Hope to be.

Enough about me, lets talk about you.
Hell i don't give a shit.
Lets end it like that!


WhoWantsToKnow said...

Dang. You get better with time like old wine (remember the line from the Nana Patekar song from Aatish?!)!!

Good on you!

matdrawment said...

ah you compare my writings to bindu. im flattered. though i thought this would look like a load of shit to most people. didnt think anyone would actually understand what i'd written.

matdrawment said...

ah. i see you've been reading it too. Though i figured you'd comment on the poetry rather than this gibberish. How is it that people seem to understand this, when i believed nobody other than me would!